I should probably introduce myself before I get started. My name is Sam, I'm not giving anymore than that. I grew up in Roseburg Oregon, graduated from Glide high school, went on to Linn Benton Community College in Albany and earned an associates degree in Animal Technology (a smaller version of Animal Science). As you will soon learn, punctuation and proper grammar are not a strong point to my writing base. Since college, I have worked for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (yes, I wrote some of those reports that you read) and Walgreens for a little while. While I was in college I worked for a rancher, a cabinet shop, an auction yard for a short period, and a title company. So now you have an idea of what I have under my belt. In 2008 I married my college sweetheart and in 2010 we welcomed our daughter into the world. A month after she was born she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, and torticolis (not that big of a deal and a spelling error). We have our trials and tribulations with the cystic fibrosis, but I won't talk about that. Because of the cystic fibrosis the doctors recommended that I stay at home with our daughter rather than going back to work. That way there is less risk of her becoming sick. I should also add that I have epilepsy because every now and then it might be brought up. With all of these small tasks, I became bored at home and decided to take on a new venture; Goat ranching. Please don't stop reading. I also raise cattle, which cancels out the goats, but not quite the horses, so technically I am at a negative 1 on the hobby farmer scale. Actually, I could be at a +2 on some hobby farmer scales, cows make money so they would make them a -. It has been suggested to me multiple times, from facebook, and friends that I post my little ventures on a blog. Ready to take on the challenge I agreed. I will do my best not to include my opinion on wolves, hippies and other varmins, but if somehow it shines through............that's just too bad. Hopefully I won't disgrace the family name with this little venture, and happy reading.
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